Mark Dunley Owen

Mark Dunley-Owen

Mark joined Allan Gray in 2009 as an equity analyst. He started managing a portion of the fixed interest portfolios in July 2011, and a portion of the stable portfolios in May 2013. He was appointed as a portfolio manager in January 2012. In September 2020, Mark joined Orbis as a member of the Bermuda Investment team. He is also a director of Allan Gray Bermuda Limited. Mark holds a Bachelor of Business Science (Honours) degree in Finance and Information Systems from the University of Cape Town.

Articles by Mark Dunley-Owen

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: Our perspective on developed market bond yields

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 11 Oct 2021

Reading time: 4 mins

Bonds are typically included in an investment portfolio to provide diversification and deliver yield. Developed market bonds are currently offering much lowe...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

African sovereign debt: Is a reality check looming?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 26 Jan 2021

Reading time: 3 mins

Despite deteriorating economic fundamentals, Africa’s financial markets made a remarkable recovery in 2020. Mark Dunley-Owen discusses the price distortion i...

Insights categories - Local investing

The end of the free lunch

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 17 Apr 2020

Reading time: 4 mins

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Yet recent times have provided South African savers with something close to this, as risk-free returns from money...

Insights categories - Local investing

Money Market Fund update: Lower yields suggest lower future money market returns

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 26 Apr 2018

Reading time: 2 mins

It has been good to be invested in money market funds over recent years. The Allan Gray Money Market Fund (the Fund) has returned 7.5% per annum over the las...

Insights categories - Local investing

If South Africa was a company would you include it in your portfolio?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 04 Aug 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Sentiment towards South Africa is poor. It is tempting to believe that excessive bad news is priced into South African assets, which should deliver attractiv...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund update: Finding value in SA equities

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 28 Apr 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

South Africa has a history of political uncertainty. The 15 months since the removal of Nhlanhla Nene as finance minister in December 2015 have been a stark...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Should you have bonds in your portfolio?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 31 Mar 2017

Reading time: 9 mins

Bonds are boring, or so the saying goes. A better interpretation is that bond returns are less volatile than equity returns, most of the time...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund update: How to invest in ‘interesting’ times

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 15 Jul 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

‘May you live in interesting times' is an English expression which many believe to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. The expression seems to...

Insights category - companies

Commodities: Opportunity or risk?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 31 May 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

We are ‘bottom-up’ investors who pay more attention to valuations than to macroeconomic forecasts. We do extensive research to calculate what we believe is...

Insights category - companies

South African Banks: Do valuations support the risks?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 31 Mar 2016

Reading time: 9 mins

There has been much volatility in the banking sector over the last few months: Barclays is exiting Africa, Old Mutual may be selling its stake in Nedbank,...

Insights category - companies

Standard Bank: Has anything changed?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 30 Sep 2013

Reading time: 7 mins

Standard Bank is a Top Five holding in the Allan Gray Equity and Balanced Funds. Mark Dunley-Owen discusses why we believe it is an attractive investment for...

Insights category - companies

An alternative view of commodity demand and supply

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 30 Jun 2011

Reading time: 5 mins

In Quarterly Commentary 1, 2011 Sandy McGregor discussed how high commodity prices are being supported by the mining sector's inability to keep pace with...


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